Anime Filter

drag & drop an image
— or —
click here to open the file picker
image type: 

Anime Filter Online - Photo to Anime Converter

Use the input area above to submit an image, and it'll output the image in a "painted" style. All processing is done on your device - your image is not uploaded to a server - it never leaves your web browser. Make sure your images have good lighting and aren't blurry. Here are some example photo-to-anime/painting conversions created with this tool:

You've probably heard of anime-style filters on Snapchat, Tiktok, and elsewhere (most are "selfie to anime" but there are some more general "photo to anime" converters). This filter produces a more painterly and realistic style compared to others. I called the site "AnimeFilter" because it'll eventually have a collection of converters that are all centered around anime-like styles, but not strictly anime (e.g. cartoon/"toonify" and Disney styles). They'll all be online, free and easy to use so that turning yourself into a painted/anime/cartoon character will be as easy as dropping a selfie and waiting a few seconds.

If you came here looking for an AI anime generator, then check out ← that site instead. Or the more general AI Image Generator. And, tangentially, Anime Recommender may be useful if you're looking for new anime to watch.


If you have feedback, you can share it with me here. If you find another photo-to-anime/toon/etc. converter that you'd like me to add, please share details using that link and I'll see if I can add it (assuming it's using a publicly available AI model).

This converter is based on the original Hugging Face web demo, created by @ak92501 using the AI model created by @bryandlee, which uses training techniques developed by Xin Chen. I created this site so that users can convert their image to an anime/cartoon style without uploading their images to a server - it's completely free. The conversion process is done in your browser (using your device's CPU/GPU) so your images remain private.

Have fun! :)